Oksana Neveselaya, the sexiest math teacher in the world

 Oksana Neveselaya, the sexiest math teacher in the world

When you went to a math class, you hesitated between making people think they were sick or sleeping in class.  However, in a high school in Minsk, capital of Belarus, Oksana Neveselaya sees her classes always full.  The reason ? Many consider him "the sexiest teacher on the planet".
When you realize that the 28-year-old attracts more than 370,000 followers on her Instagram account, we understand a little better the enthusiasm around her profession.

At the beginning of the week, one of her students posted a video of her teacher teaching. Since then, the sequence has been shared and viewed hundreds of thousands of times, some explaining "wanting to study in Minsk as soon as possible".


Oksana Neveselaya explains to her (many) follower that she is no longer a heart to take, she continues to receive dozens of love messages each week. And it's not his posts on his Instagram account that will decrease these numbers ...

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